Know Heraklion Airport

Heraklion Airport need to know

It takes only two minutes for visitor to realise that the airport of Heraklion is small, non-functional and dirty. However, the airport of Heraklion, serves about 5 million passengers annually from International and domestic flights. In two words ground services deal with approximately 400 planes every day during high season period, that makes us 3 minutes per plane!!! 

Very often luggage's delay a lot and sometimes you may need more time to claim your luggage’s than the flight itself. That’s because there are only 4 belts on luggage claim and many planes on the line. Even though its position is beneficial and makes it easily accessible either from city centre (4 Kms) port (3 Kms) motorway (500mtrs) major changes needed so as to make it a decent modern International Airport. 

Go rent a car understands all these issues and tries to serve customer the fastest way possible. We achieve that by serving one customer at a time (no line waiting) and if all data are filled when reserving one of our cars, we meet you at the airport will all paperwork prepared. This way our customer can be on his way with his Car Rental Heraklion Airport within 3 minutes!!! 

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